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What we do

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Build relationships with partners by gaining an understanding of their customer base, contact details, technology preferences, articles, and social media activity. Our Partner Finder provides the insight needed to search for and find the right partners quickly, allowing you to build lasting relationships with them.
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Our partner database and profiles of consultants, agencies, and resellers allow you to familiarize yourself with your partner's experience, current focus, and the technology they're interested in. We interview top partners worldwide to provide exclusive insights and help you tailor your partner pitches effectively.
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Figma user
Every consultant, agency, and reseller is different, and so is the opportunity to recommend tech solutions to their clients. Bond Connect's partner database provides all the information you need to know exactly which people to contact and how to land in each partner's inbox.
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With Bond Connect's unparalleled data accuracy, you can quickly and easily access the partners you need to contact and stay on top of important partner moves. Warm introductions with partners can increase your chances of selling your tech products by 10 times.
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